Kolby Lough
"It’s all part of the experience"

I am Kolby Lough. I am 16 years old and a Sophomore at Robert C. Byrd High School. I play volleyball and tennis. I am involved in several clubs at school including Student Council. I have maintained a 3.5 GPA. This is my first year racing but I have been riding with my dad since I was little. My dad raced dirtbikes cross country for several years and I would go watch with my mom and my sister. He quit racing when I got involved in sports to support me but last year he was diagnosed with prostate cancer so I decided to get involved in racing cross country to keep us involved in the sport. I have raced all summer in 3 different series (Mountain State, NECXC, and GNCC).
Racing Background
This is my first year racing. I started off the year in the Youth Quad Super Mini 12-15 (6 races) but I decided to move up to the Adult Women’s Class. I finished 3rd Place in my first race (2020 Mountain State Hare Scramble) in Women’s Class. I have had two 2nd place finishes and the last race of the season I finished 1st in the Mountain state Hare Scramble Series.. I finished 4th in points in the Women’s Class. I raced 3 GNCC races and finished 9th at Mason Dixon and 16th at the Ironman and 8th at the Buckwheat GNCC. I also race the NECXC series and have 1 2nd place finish in that series.
Goals and Objectives
My goals for this season are to race a full series (Mountain State and NECXC). I would like to race as many GNCC races as possible. I am working on improving on my riding and would love to represent your company proudly as I do it. My ultimate goal is to eventually win the Mountain State Hare Scramble Women’s Class overall and compete competitively in the GNCC series.
Why I would make a good addition to your team
I feel I would make a good addition because I feel I have made improvements in this season moving from the Youth Class to the Women’s Class. I do not get rattled when I am in larger races. I know my bike and am able to communicate issues that I see happening during and after a race. I am open to suggestions by my pit crew. I encourage younger racer to do their best. I feel I am role model both on and off the track to all ages.