Annalyse Rummel
"If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

I'm Annalyse Rummel and I am 9 years old. I'm from a small town in Pennsylvania. I love 2 Strokes!! I am in 3rd grade, and my favorite class is religion. When I'm not racing, I enjoy hunting, fishing, camping & boating. I love going to the races on the weekends & making new friends. I love competing with the boys to show them girls can rip too!! I have been riding quads since I was 2 yrs old. This year will be my 4th year racing. Racing is a family passion. My dad and my little brother both race too. The 3 of us are known together as the Rummel Riders. I thank God everyday for blessing me with this wonderful life and always keeping me safe. Some of my best memories are late night quad rides with dad, feeling the freedom of riding down the track, & winning!
Class: Mod Mini 90cc
Home Track: Helman Drag Racing
ATV: 2020 DRR 90
2024 Highlights: *Sep 8- 2nd place (Chickoree Ridge Runners) *Aug 25- 2nd place *Aug 11th- 2nd place *July 14th- 2nd place *June 2nd - 2nd place (Helman)
2025 Goals: -Place 1st -Improve my hole shots -Be consistent with my times -try out Motocross -Attend Motocross school/ trainings -Build new relationships at all of my track adventures -Promote my sponsors in a positive and respectful manner -Have Fun!