Erin Hance
Challenge me, Dare me, Defy me, But do not underestimate me, because anything is possible on the back of my horse. Author unknown

Hi my name is Erin Hance, I have been riding horses since I can remember. I currently have 2 horses that I race in barrels and poles. I live in Upstate NY and belong to our local NBHA, NPBA and Vermont Jr High school Rodeo. In High School Rodeo I participate in barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying and light rifle. We hope to go to nationals in June 2025. In 2023 I qualified and raced at the NBHA Youth World Show and The Jockey Club T.I.P Barrel Racing Championship on my Thoroughbred La Cunmha De. In 2024 I qualified and went to NBHA Youth World Show with my new horse "Maggie" (Sheza Little Run Away). Maggie and I have also qualified for 2025 to attend the National Pole Bending Championship. I am currently starting to train a 7 yr old thoroughbred to be an all around horse, in hopes that she can run barrels, poles, goat tie and do break away roping.