Breeana Barragan
"when in doubt throttle it out"

I grew up in Northern California with all brothers and me and my dad, From a young age I can't remember a time I wasn't doing something outside trying to do everything my brothers would, My dad took me to the lake 4 days after I was released from the NICU when I was born and shortly after took me out to Cow mountain OHV to go rock crawling. Every year It would start with rodeo and snowboarding, then It would get warmer and we would start going wakeboarding and rock crawling, then as I got older I bought my first diesel, started to build it and began going to shows and people started to learn my name and who I was.
I’ve traveled all over going to sand dunes, trails,shows,rodeos, finding a true passion for any sport I could possibly get into, and that passion has only grown more and more every year.
From a young age I was competitive and there's no way of hiding that. I wanted to prove to everyone and myself that just because I'm a girl that does not mean I couldn't do everything a man could.
I’ve Made that a reality, I put my all into whatever I’m doing, I learn new tips and tricks everyday, I have learned to fix the parts I break and do maintenance by myself.
I always wanted to be role model for young girls with similar childhoods to mine or even just any child, I originally went after becoming a NFR qualifier but due to a drunk driver hitting me and fracturing my C4 vertebrae in my neck and then have two knee surgeries and my world changed I took two years off all of my passions to get myself healthy again and feeling alright, those two years are now up and I want to go into just about any event/show/sport I can and make a name for myself. I want to show anyone that no Matter what you go through, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Never lose hope and you will make it through anything life throws at you.