5 Tips on How to Get Started in Karting

5 Tips on How to Get Started in Karting

Go-kart racing or karting has firmly established itself as a go-to, premier racing competition — that thrusts racers to the Formula One stage. In fact, there isn’t a driver in F1 who didn’t start their career in karting.

If you want to build a career in circuit racing, it’s time to take your racing talent and impulse to the local kart track. To get your started, we have the five best tips to get you started.

5 Tips to Kick Off Your Karting Career

Start slow. First things first, it’s best to purchase your own kart — new or used. Head to your local track and get acquainted with your kart.  Start slow. Go slow. Get to a place where you feel entirely comfortable. Once you feel relaxed in the kart, start scouting teams. A good team can teach you the tips and trick of karting. This will give you more experience. Learn as much as you can in the kart and on the track.

Confidence is a Rocket. Confidence is key. Building your confidence is like having a rocket soaring into space. When you start believing you can win — you see growth — you build confidence — and you win. Put in the work and commit to improving your skills each day.  Even at the karting level, you have to put in the work to make it to the next level. Confidence is where it all starts.

Never Sacrifice Safety Equipment for a Pricier Kart. Let’s get right into the details. Wear a rib protector. No question. No hesitation. Wear a helmet. No question. No hesitation. Wear a suit and boots.

Practice in Wet Conditions. When it rains, karts are a challenge to drive. The rubbery racing line becomes very slippery and slows you down. If you want to reach the top level, you must learn to drive and maneuver in wet conditions. Do your research. Ask teams who are experienced to help you. Get your PhD in wet pavement racing.

Adapt to Different Styles. Spend a fair amount of time learning how to drive the kart — go fast — go slow — understand the track positioning and the kart itself. Learn how and when to brake and how to race with power and edge. Find the time to continuously practice. Experience is a positive step — and the difference between sitting on the sidelines — and racing like a champion.

Take what you’ve learned today, combine it with dedication and passion —  along with high-speed kart racing Steve McQueen once said — racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting. If you want to go fast, Go Fast Girls.




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